The 2PMPS will be divided into the following sessions:

1. Growth and Development.
2. Metabolism and Biochemistry.
3. Interaction of Plants with the Environment.
4. Systems Biology, Synthetic Biology and Biotechnology.

For each session, up to 2 oral communications and several flash talks will be selected. There will also be two poster sessions. A more detailed program will be provided once oral communications and flash talks are defined. It will start at 09:00 and the hour of estimate closure will be at 19:30 (UTC+02:00).


Lindsay Williams, PhD student at the Spoel lab, University of Edinburg, UK. Talk: "Post-harvest immunity: how the salad in your fridge is fighting for its life".

Melanie Abt, PhD at the Zeeman lab, ETH Zürich, Switzerland. Talk: "Starch granule biogenesis: New players and new approaches".

Sana Dieudonné, PhD student at the Reproduction et Développement des Plantes (RDP) lab, ENS de Lyon, CNRS, INRAE, INRIA, France. Talk: "Bracts in the bractless Arabidopsis thaliana".

Sara Selma, PhD student at the Plant Genomics and Biotechnology lab, IBMCP (UPV-CSIC), Spain. Talk: "Flavonoids à la carte. Customizing the metabolic pathway with CRISPRa in N. benthamiana".

Full programme: